Wednesday, June 19, 2013

AnimeNext 2013

This convention in Somerset, NJ was truly an experience. And when I say experience, I am legit not kidding. It was experience of unforeseen events of misfortune every single day. Lord above, I felt like I was being tested by the otaku gods of how much I could take! But, all in all, it was an awesome time had by all. I'm going to break up the convention into three separate entries, one for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Let us begin with Friday, June 7.
My bestie Lauren (it was her bday weekend and she came up from DC) and I hopped in the Chinchilla (yes, that's the name of my car) and began the trek to Northern NJ. I live in the Philadelphia area, so it was to be a hour drive. It was smooth sailing on the way up, until ominous storm clouds gathered. When we reached the Hotel Somerset, it had begun to rain. We weren't really too worried about this as our hotel was a short five minute walk to the Garden State Exhibit Center and we had an umbrella. No biggie. Ha ha ha.  It was too early for check in, so we parked the car, got our cosplays, wigs, and make up out and went into the hotel bathroom to get ready. Lauren was dressed as Captain Yoruichi Shihouin from Bleach and I was Hiyori Sarugaki the Vizard from the same series. We walked out into the entryway and opened our one umbrella (baka move on my part) and walked to the con. The rain wasn't too bad, it was the type where ya just wanna get to where ya gotta go. It was getting steadier by the time we walked in the doors. 
We picked up our badges at the pre-registration which did not have a long line and lotsssss of volunteers, yatta, and went on our merry way.  The Garden State Exhibit Center was a nice place. There were two buildings there were connected to each other by a covered walk way (thank GOD, and you will find out later) one being the hotel section. 
The first building you walk into is home to the dealer's room and artist's alley. It is also where the rave was and any concert or big event being held (Cosplay chess was held there).
We hit the artist's alley first to get a feel for it and see what caught our eye...literally, all the things were great----the artists were so kind and passionate about their craft. After the artist's alley, which did take up a handful of time staring at all the goodness and getting pictures taken, I noticed the time for hotel check in had come. We left the con, made the walk back (it was still raining le sigh) and checked in.
 Now here is where the first incident happened. I pulled the Chinchilla around under the overhang of the hotel and Lauren grabbed a luggage trolley. We had SO MUCH STUFF. Not only my things, Lauren's, but also the kareshi's luggage. He couldn't get out of work until 5 and was taking a train up to the area. I was to pick him up from the train station at 6:42PM.  This factors in later, ugh! SO, all the luggage is on the trolley. I tell Lauren to wait while I park the Chinchilla. I get primo parking right by the entrance and hop out of the car car alarm goes off. No big! I click the clicker. Nothing. The alarm is whoop whoop whooping away while I stand there staring at the clicker. It is not dead, because the red light comes on, stays on, and flickers. Weird. The alarm stops and I go back into the hotel to tell Lauren and to call my dad, the car expert. Lauren, angel that she is, says she will take the luggage trolley up to the room while I figure out this situation. Long story short, I call my dad who tries to troubleshoot while I stand in the rain setting off the alarm repeatedly. I even had a hotel clerk look at the clicker who suggested the button was jammed down. My God. So, Dad suggests getting a new battery. Now, this hotel is not walking distance from anywhere where you can get a little battery. Dad suggests calling triple A. They tell me they'd have to tow the car because they don't deal with alarm systems T_____T  Here are my problems:
1. How the heck do I get the kareshi? I have to pick him up from the train station!
2. How do I get a new battery for the clicker with no way of getting there?
3. OH YEAH, BTW, I have to leave to sing at a wedding ceremony on Saturday. It's at 2PM, so I need to leave by 12:30. I'll be back around 5...hey, it's my job, I get paid, it is worth it.
So, I trudge up to the hotel room, I take off my Hiyori wig (miraculously intact thanks to the glorious power of Freeze Spray, kiddies) and whimper to Lauren of the circumstances. We cannot abandon the kareshi AND we need a battery, so next best thing is to hire a cab. We call the front desk, ask for a cab at 6PM, end scene. 
We have some time to kill, so we decide to head back over to the con so I can be surrounded by cosplay and crazy fun otaku etc.  With my crappy umbrella we run over to the con. We stop in the bathroom really quick to wipe down my Hollow Mask and ourselves with some paper towels. This was only the beginning of drying off the rain....
 There was a pub in the hotel part of the con. We both decided to sit and relax and have an adult beverage. The bartender made me a spiked green tea. It was really delish. It was funny, bc by that night the bar had themed anime drinks. Cute!
I look like a crazy woman with my contacts but look how gorgeous Lauren is! She is legit an amazing Yoruichi! I loved doing her make up...check out the purple eyebrows! And her fabulous pre-con manicure is from That place is ah-mazing.
 AW! And lookie who it is! Shinji Hirako from Bleach aka Maya! We've been planning to meet for a few months and here we are!
 Now, if you watch Bleach, then obviously you know that Hiyori's flip flop is her go to weapon ahahahaha
And me, as Hiyori with the Hollow Mask. The katana sword was souped up by the kareshi to be a direct imitation of the one in the anime. 

YEA, so after that short time of trying to distract myself, it was now time to hop in the cab and get the kareshi and the clicker battery. We bravely went in cosplay into the world of Muggles. (Lauren and I fondly call bystanders that stare at cosplayers and ask a million questions Muggles) I took off my wig. Lauren did not. Brave girl. The cab was not a yellow taxi but a town car...that was pretty sweet. Lauren and I commented it was like the Kardashians in Cosplay. OK OK OK, enough, after picking up the kareshi, getting the battery it came to $36. It was an emergency whatever. OH, and after all that...the battery DOES NOT WORK. It did NOTHING. I called my parents and wept big rolling tears like Sen in Spirited Away. How can you not say this was stressful? It was psychotic. My ah-mazing parents told me to have fun and not to worry. They'd be up tomorrow with the other clicker and figure out what the problem was and get me to sing at the wedding on time.
WELL, after that, it was time to have fun. I felt relieved and was itching to go back to the con. The kareshi changed into Captain Shunsui Kyouraku and I changed into Nanao Ise (Nanao-chaaa~aaan). Lauren remained in Captain Yoruichi. We grabbed the umbrella, went to the entrance of the Somerset...and...
Ok, so it wasn't exactly like this. But this torrential downpour was unbelievable. Keep in mind we are in full Cosplay with wigs and the whole nine yards. And one lame umbrella. If you are familiar with Bleach, the Captain's outfits are topped off with a beautiful haori (cloak). Captain Kyouraku not only has a haori but a pink kimono with sakkat straw hat with flower design on it. He is legit peacock next to the Shinigami sparrows. We decided to make a run for it. I sacrificed my umbrella to the two captains and we booked. The kareshi and I were wearing the traditional straw sandals aka waraji. He had no tabi (split toe socks) while I did. Lauren was wearing flats. By the time we got there, it looked like we jumped in a swimming pool. Our waraji were soaked through and the kareshi began getting blisters by the end of the night because of the wet sandal. We went into the bathroom, dried ourselves off the best we could, and got the kareshi's pre-reg. Oh, forgot to add the miracle of the sakkat hat staying in mint condition. We were petrified the flower design that was painted on would run. It didn't! The kareshi managed to keep it under his kimono. Huzzah!
We walked by the pub where Lauren and I had gotten a drink earlier and saw a DJ. No one on the dance floor. Everyone was at the bar, lol. So, what better way to continue to dry off by dancing Shinigami Style and spinning around, etc?

 You can see how the back of the kareshi's haori is soaked -____- Dance, Captain!
 Spin and dry it out, Captain Yoruichi!
 I love this pic of Lauren...she looks so happy!
 Nanao-chan (yours truly) holding Captain Kyouraku's kimono. For some reason, I like to dance with it, lol.

 Silly Shinigami!

I'm proud to say that when we left the dance floor, an Otaku dance party had begun. These three Shinigami started it, holler! The three of us left the pub and met a few cosplayers and had some pics taken of us. Any cosplayer must admit, it's the best feeling when you get your picture taken ^___^  Here are some of the cosplayers we ran into Friday evening:

Ryoga from Ranma 1/2

 You can plainly see in this lovely pic of Slender Man and I (he was on stilts! in the rain!) my tabi are soaked and I look like a drowned cosplay rat.

We ended the night by going to a Yaoi showing(what girl otaku doesn't like a yaoi, c'mon!). Yes. We dragged the kareshi into a yaoi movie. There were a lot of guys in there though. When it started out, it looked like it was gonna be ah "good" I guess you could say. Everyone was heckling and we were laughing so hard. But srsly. Nothing happened. It was the strangest thing I ever saw. I am not asking to see graphic yaoi but we queued for this damn thing and it was a disappointment. I FELL ASLEEP. What. The. Hell. So, that gives you an idea. We booked outta there and went back to the hotel. And mercifully, the rain had turned to a light shower. 
That's it for Day One of AnimeNext 2013. I apologize for it being so long, but I'd like to share our experience with those who couldn't be there. 
Next up, is Day Two. And remember what I said about the plentiful incidents, as we shall call them. The monsoon and the car situation were the first to happen...what will happen  next?!?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Heading off to AnimeNext '13!

Hello!  I'm up bright and early with my bff Lauren getting ready to head out to AnimeNext in Somerset, NJ! Here's their site: . We are soooo pscyhed for this weekend. It will be a Bleach Themed Weekend (we coined that ourselves, ha) regarding our cosplays. A lot of work went into them and we all can't to wear them over the weekend!  Kareshi will be joining as after he gets out of work ;_; but then it's the whole weekend!
The con has some great guests like the hilarious Uncle Yo, a big dealer's room and artists' alley, a rave that jumps til 4am. We have rave balls and gloves....ok, I'm not into raves, but sparkly gloves sound kinda fun, no? There's loads of panels as well. The whole schedule is up online, so be sure to check it out. I'm pretty positive you can register at the door!
Here are my character lay outs for the weekend:

Friday Afternoon: 
 HIYORI SARUGAKI (I will have her Hollow Mask with me! And my friend is cosplaying as Shinji!)
 Friday Evening:

Saturday AM only:
HISANA KUCHIKI (RUKIA'S SISTER) My friend is cosplaying Rukia so we got this brainchild together for photos-quite rare cosplay!
  Saturday PM

Sunday all the live long day
The kareshi and Lauren have their own schedules as well:
 Friday evening: Captain Shunsui Kyouraku
Saturday Day: Detective Gumshoe from Phoenix Wright
Saturday Evening: Kisuske Urahara
Sunday All Day: Kisuke Urahara
Friday All Day: Captain Yoruichi Shihouin
Saturday Day: Franziska von Karma from Phoenix Wright
Saturday Evening: Yoruichi Shihouin (orange outfit)
Sunday: Herself :)

Alright everyone, I'm off! If you see me, please say hello! Thank you for reading my blog! I'll be posting a video of the con (hopefully) and tons of pictures as well as reviews. Ja ne! <3

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Perfect Products for Styling your Wigs

Scenario One: you need an amazing wig to top off your cosplay. You order the wig, which from the picture on the site, is the exact match for your character. You receive the wig in the mail, tear open the package like it's Christmas, what's this? It's the right color...right style...but it's not looking so hot from the journey (usually from China). This, of course doesn't happen all the time, but what do you do if this happens!? 

Scenario Two: You search and search online...but to no avail. The wig you need is impossible to find. Wrong color, weird style, etc. Again, what to do, what to do.......

Scenario Three: You order the perfect wig. AND IT DOESN'T"T SHOW UP.

Scenario Four: The wig you order online appears to be a match, but it needs to be trimmed and styled a bit.

No need to worry.  I experienced all three of these scenarios...and was able to have a great wig in the end!

I ordered a Hiyori Sarugaki wig online. It was exactly what I was looking for; especially the pale blonde hair color. It came, I opened the package, and...ok, it was in good shape from the journey. But the pig tails were straight. Hiyori's pigtails are spiked out and she has little beaded bobby pins in her hair.

There ya go. This is what it looked like when it came:

Color's good! Ribbons, kawaii! Pigtails? Not spiked. No panicking here! You may have heard of these products before and I cannot recommend them enough. I present to you:

  These products are the holy grail of styling cosplay wigs gone awry. The spiking glue comes in travel sizes and sometimes come attached to the bottle of freeze spray. Put a pea sized amount between your thumb and index finger and rub together a bit. Then smooth it on to create the spike. Keep loading it on until you reach the style you desire. After you finished with the aptly named spiking glue, spray spray sprayyyy away with the blasting freeze spray. Your wig will stay perfect, I guarantee you. It's amazing. A cosplay miracle! Be sure to bring these with you when you go to a con for touch ups. Before I leave the hotel room, I will double check the spikes (or whatever style) since having traveled with the wig and may need a slight touch up. If the style is good to go, give a blast of freeze spray over the wig and head out to the con! 
Finished wig! The Got2B line is available at drugstores, Ulta, Target, Walmart, and a few other places. The can of freeze spray is around $10. The travel sizes are around $5. They last a good amount of time! I just replaced my can of freeze spray...I had it for almost a year!

I'd like to share with you the story of the wig that never showed. I was preparing for Kotoricon in NJ (held every January; super fun) and was going to cosplay as Rukia Kuchiki. The kareshi ordered me a wig with plenty of time to spare. Time went by...and no wig. Now it was two days before the con. He emailed the store who said it was on its way. Well, it came...three days after the con. I had to buy a wig. I had the Rukia cosplay outfit, so a wig was what was needed! 
I highly recommend trying to go to a wig store if there is one nearby if you are caught in this situation (this is an easy option if your character has "normal" colored hair). This also works for the scenario of not being able to find a wig that suits your character. I hiked off to the store and found a black wig. It did not look like Rukia's style, but I knew with the spiking glue and freeze spray I'd be able to do this. I actually ended up buying a human hair wig for $50. It was a last minute buy and I couldn't resist. If you can't afford it, don't blow the bank for one. I bought as well so I could use my straightener on it. DO NOT use curling irons or straighteners on regular wigs...they will MELT. End Scene.
This is the finished product of the Rukia wig saga. This is at Katsucon '13. The lovely Yoruichi is cosplayed by my good friend Lauren.
 This is another wig I bought (non human hair) from the local wig store. $15! Amazingness. I whipped a french twist, used probably about 100 black bobby pins, and cut a long bang on the side of my face a la Nanao-chan. And of course, it was blasted to kingdom come with freeze spray ~_^
 And there's Kyouraku (cosplayed by the kareshi) laying in all his glory on the ground after too much indulging in sake. I styled this wig as well. It was ordered online, but came missing the trademark blue ribbon hair tie and the two red flowers. Also, the strand of hair that falls over his face needed to be freeze sprayed as it was separating and itchy! The wig came with very nice waves, so I decided to use this product below:

 This is a product I use to refresh curls and waves. It has lavender in it and smells awesome. I sprayed this on the Kyouraku wig (over the pony tail) and scrunched the hair a bit to really get the trademark wavy hair he's rockin'. This is a travel size and can be purchased at Ulta. This was around $8-$10. Perfect for wavy hair wigs. 

If you have to cut the bangs of your wig because they are too long or styled incorrectly, be sure to use a good pair of scissors and do nottttt cut straight across. Cut diagonally! Watch your hairdresser as he/she cuts your hair. They never cut straight across, even for sharp, straight across bangs. Same goes for hair length of wigs and trimming here and there.

For all these scenarios listed above, there is a way around them. I cannot recommend enough the Got2B hair products. They have saved me in a pinch and will be of great help to you. It's a great asset to have for any cosplayer, especially when wigs are involved.
Again, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me! I also do wig commissions. That's how much I enjoy doing it. I've seen the good, bad, and ugly of wigs. There's always a way to fix the wig and style if it calls for it. <3 Thank you for reading <3

Here are two wig sites I adore: